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Federalismo democratico

Federalismo democratico

Federalismo democratico. Per un dialogo tra uguali. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2010

For those who cherish democratic federalism in every part of the world (especially those of us here who are distressed by the seemingly intractable problems of the public system), the concrete functioning of the local and national administration in Canada, the United States and Australia is to be considered a model. However, this is not the case in Italian (and European) discourse and administrative practice. Yet, equitable politico-administrative relationships are essential for promoting the development of real freedom. This is the point of departure of the present research. It explores the theoretical and historical foundations of democratic federalism in the New World; it explains why the key aspects of the public system in question—such as transparency, trust, responsibility, productivity, merit, flexibility, versatility, cooperation, emulation, dynamism, etc.—have a concrete and meaningful significance in Canada, the United States and Australia which is almost unknown to us. It refers to some important contributions of Aaron Wildavsky and Louis Hartz (and to a debate with Giuliano Amato on our ailment of inadequate administrative freedom) to vigorously support a project of the informed transformation of democratic federalism in Italy, one which reflects the needs of the country and its diverse regions while simultaneously complementing their genuine historical and civil character.


Luca Meldolesi



Democratic federalism

Louis Hartz




