Judith Tendler's Publications


“Beautiful Pages by Judith Tendler" - Edited by Nicoletta Stame.
21 October 2018. Download publication


“The Rise of Social Funds:What Are they a Model of?” with Rodrigo Serrano. 1999. Download publication

“Thoughts for a research agenda for the meeting on public-private partnerships.” Paper prepared for seminar at University of Michigan. 25 June 1999. Download publication

“Research questions for The Ford-Foundation’s Innovations in Government Programs: Documentation, Evaluation, and Dissemination.” 14 April 1998. Download publication

“Comments on Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa.” Based on fieldwork in South Africa for PREM Public Sector Group, The World Bank. 8 March 1998 Download publication

“Comments on your Concept Paper regarding the Ceará state government’s Economic Memorandum.” Memo to Joachim von Amsberg, for the WorldBank, LCC5F. 8 June 1998. Download publication

Good Government in the Tropics. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. [Paperback version, November 1998; Portuguese version published by Editora Revan and ENAP (Escola Nacional de Administracao Publica) (Rio de Janeiro) August 1998]. Download publication

“Ceará vs. Kerala (with Latin America vs. East Asia in Mind): The Devil is in the Disaggregation.” In: Rethinking Development in East Asia and Latin America, edited by James W. McGuire. Los Angeles: Pacific Council on International Policy and the Center for International Studies of the University of Southern California, 1997. Download publication

“The Peace And Social Justice Program: Goals, Expected Outcomes and Results.” Report for the Ford Foundation headquarters office. 4 August 1997. Download publication

“Small Firms and Their Helpers: Lessons on Demand.” World Development 24 (No. 3):407-426. 1996. Download publication

Social Capital and the Public Sector: The Blurred Boundaries Between Private and Public. 11 April 1995. Download publication

“Trust in a Rent-seeking World: Health and Government Transformed in Northeast Brazil.” Co-authored with Sara Freedheim, World Development 22, No. 12 (December 1994, lead article), pp. 1771-1791. [An earlier version published as “Bringing Hirschman Back In: A Case of Bad Government Turned Good.” Co-authored with Sara Freedheim, Chapter 9 in: Rethinking the Development Experience: Essays Provoked by the Work of Albert Hirschman, pp. 176-209; edited by Lloyd Rodwin and Don Schon. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution. 1994. Download publication

“Impressions on the Proposed South African Agrarian Reform.” Based on fieldwork for the Land and Agricultural Policy Center of the South African Government.14 July 1994. Support for Small Enterprises in South Africa: Impressions from interviews with firms, their corporate customers, and their service providers. Based on fieldwork for the Department of Trade and Industry of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in South Africa. 28 December 1994 Download publication

Support for Small Enterprises in South Africa: Impressions from interviews with firms, their corporate customers, and their service providers. Based on fieldwork for the Department of Trade and Industry of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in South Africa. 28 December 1994. Download publication

“Bringing Hirschman Back In: A Case of Bad Government Turned Good.” Co-authored with Sara Freedheim, Chapter 9 (pp. 276-209) In: Rethinking the Development Experience: Essays Provoked by the Work of Albert Hirschman, edited by Lloyd Rodwin and Don Schon. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1994. Download publication

New Lessons from Old Projects: The Workings of Rural Development in Northeast Brazil. A World Bank Operations Evaluation Study. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 1993. Download publication

“Tales of Dissemination in Small-farm Agriculture: Lessons for Institution Builders.” World Development 21, No. 10 (October 1993, lead article), pp. 1567-1582. [An earlier version published as “Tales of Dissemination in Agriculture.” In: Agriculture, Environment, and Health: Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, edited by Vernon W. Ruttan. University of Minnesota Press, 1994.] Download publication


New Directions in Rural Roads. AID Program Evaluation Discussion Paper No. 2, March 1979. Download publication

Rural Electrification: Linkages and Justifications. AID Program Evaluation Discussion Paper No.3, April 1979. Download publication

Rural Works Programs in Bangladesh: Community, Technology, and Graft. Based on fieldwork in Bangladesh for the Transportation Department of the World Bank, June 1979. Download publication

“Honduras-First Livestock Development Project.” Project Performance Audit Report, Operations Evaluation Department. World Bank, Number 1920. 21 February 1978. Download publication

Piaui: Renters and Sharecroppers, December 1978. Download publication

“The Integrated Rural Development Project of the Paraguaçu River Basin in Bahia (PIDERP)- The Credit Component.” The Projects Department, Office of Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank. January 1978. Download publication

Rio Grande Do Norte Rural Development Project (RURALNORTE): Midterm Evaluation of Rural Credit. September 1978. “ Download publication

"What happens in an Agrarian Reform," in Judith Tendler, Inter-country Evaluation of Small Farmer Organizations. Program Evaluation Study of the Agency for International Development, Latin American Bureau, November 1976. Download publication

“Case Study of a World Bank Livestock Program- Honduras.” For the Operations Evaluation Department of the World Bank, 17 December, 1976. Download publication

Inter-Country Evaluation of Small Farmer Organizations: Honduras. For the Office of Development Programs of the Latin America Bureau of A.I.D. October,1976. Download publication

Inside Foreign Aid. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. Download publication

“The Trouble with Goals of Small Farmer Programs (and how to get out of it).” Small Farmer Credit Analytical Papers, U.S. Agency for International Development-A.I.D. Spring Review of Small Farmer Credit, pp. 113-139, June 1973. Download publication

“Comments on Evaluation of BID (Inter-American Development Bank-IADB)-Financed Rural Credit Programs in Six Countries.” For the Inter American Development Bank, Washington D.C. Center for Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley. September 1970. Download publication


“The Rule of Law, Economic Development, and Modernization of the State in Brazil: Lessons from Existing Experience for Policy and Practice.” Research Proposal to: World Bank Office,Brazil (Brasília) and UK Department for International Development (DfID/Brasília). 17 January 2007. Download publication

“Small Firms, the Informal Sector, and the Devil’s Deal.” IDS Bulletin [Institute of Development Studies at Sussex] 33 (No. 3, July, 2002). Download publication

Transforming Local Economies: Lessons from the Northeast Brazilian Experience. Based on fieldwork in Brazil for the MIT/BNB (Banco do Nodeste-Northeast Development Bank) Project. 12 December 2002. Download publication

The Fear of Education. Background paper for the World Bank 2003 Report on Inequality and the State in Latin America. Presented at the 50th Anniversary Meetings of the Banco do Nordeste, Fortaleza, 19 July 2002. Download publication

“Why are Social Funds so Popular?” In: Local Dynamics in the Era of Globalization, edited by Shahid Yusuf, Weiping Wu, and Simon Everett, Companion Volume of the World Development Report 1999/2000. Oxford: Oxford niversity Press for the World Bank, 2000. Download publication

“Safety Nets and Service Delivery: What Are Social Funds Really Telling Us?” In: Social Development in Latin America: The Politics of Reform, edited by Joseph S. Tulchin and Allison M. Garland (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000) Download publication

The Economic Wars Between the States. Working Paper Series, MIT/BNB project (Banco do Nordeste-Northeast Brazilian Development Bank). 2000. Download publication

“Undoing the poverty agenda and putting it back together: social policy, economic development, or what?” Forthcoming, 2011. (First version written June 2006; an earlier version was published by UNRISD and Palgrave/Macmillan Press as chapter 7, In: Social Policy in a Development Context, edited by Thandika Mkandawire and previously presented in an UNRISD meeting in Stockholm, September 2000. Download publication


“What Ever Happened to Poverty Alleviation?” World Development 17, No. 7 (1989). An earlier version published as “Whatever happened to poverty alleviation?” In: Microenterprises in Developing Countries, edited by Jacob Levitsky. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1989, pp, 25-56. Based on report on fieldwork done for The Ford Foundation. Download publication

“What to Think About Cooperatives: A Guide from Bolivia.” In: Direct to Poor: Grassroots Development in Latin America, edited by Sheldon Annis and Peter Hakim. Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1988. Based on: What to Think about Cooperatives: A Guide from Bolivia, Report on fieldwork to the Inter-American Foundation, Washington D.C. August 1983. Download publication

What Ever Happened to Poverty Alleviation? A Report Prepared for the Mid-decade Review of the Ford Foundation’s Programs on Livelihood, Employment and Income Generation, March 1987. Download publication

The Remarkable Convergence of Fashion on Small Enterprises and the Informal Sector: What are the Implications for Policy?” Unpublished manuscript, 1987. Download publication

Captive Donors and Captivating Clients: A Nicaraguan Saga. Inter-American Foundation (Draft article accepted for publication by World Development). December 1984 “ Download publication

“The Well-tempered Capitalist: Profiles from Some Bolivian Coops.” Grassroots Development Volume 8, No. 2, 1984. Download publication

Review of and comment on a draft of the World Bank policy paper, “Effective Intervention in Rural Finance.” For the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of the World Bank. May 1984. Download publication

Ventures in the Informal Sector, and How They Worked Out in Brazil. AID Evaluation Special Study No. 12, March 1983. Download publication

What to Think about Cooperatives: A Guide from Bolivia. Inter-American Foundation, August 1983. Download publication

“Fitting the Foundation Style: Comments on Flora proposal to evaluate consumer stores in Colombia.” Memo to Ray Offenheiser et. al; for the Inter American Foundation, 1 February 1983. Download publication

“Comments on the draft Framework for the CARE Review of its Food Aid Programming.” For CARE, 9 May 1983. Download publication

“Impressions on Evaluation.” Report for the Inter-American Foundation, July 1983. Download publication

Rural Projects Through Urban Eyes: An Interpretation of the World Bank’s New-style Rural Development Projects. World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 532, 1982. Download publication

Turning Private Voluntary Organizations into Development Agencies: Questions for Evaluation. AID Program Evaluation Discussion Paper No. 12, April 1982. Download publication

Fitting the Foundation Style: The Case of Rural Credit. Report for the Inter-American Foundation headquarters office. October 1981.“ Download publication

“Rural Credit and The Foundation Style.” For The Inter-American Foundation, Washington, D.C. January 1981. Download publication

New Light on Rural Electrification: The Evidence from Bolivia. Project on Managing Decentralization, Institute of International Studies, University of California at Berkeley, Publication No. R80.5, September 1980. Download publication

“Shifting Agriculture, Land Grabbing, and Peasant Organization on Brazil’s Northeast Frontier: Colone’s Alto Turi Project and the Baixada Ocidental in the State of Maranhão.” Based on fieldwork for the Office of Development Programs of the Latin America Bureau of A.I.D. November, 1980. Download publication


“Agricultural Sector Loan for Costa Rica.” Memo to Mr. Lawrence E. Harrison, Director, for USAID/Costa Rica, 21 July 1969. Download

“Notes on Program and Project Lending in Brazil.” Memo for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Mission. 1 June 1968. Download

“Proposed Highway Maintenance Evaluation.” Memo to Jerome Levinson, Latin America Department/Capital Development Office , U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington headquarters. February 1968. Download

“Northeast Highway Maintenance Evaluation.” Memo, USAID,16 September 1968. Download

“Memos regarding the Passo Real Hydroelectric Project.” For USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), Brazil Mission, Rio de Janeiro, 1967-1968. Download

Technology and Economic Development: The Case of Hydro vs. Thermal Power.” Political Science Quarterly, June 1965. Download


“Beautiful Pages by Judith Tendler" - Edited by Nicoletta Stame.
21 October 2018. Download publication


“The Rule of Law, Economic Development, and Modernization of the State in Brazil: Lessons from Existing Experience for Policy and Practice.” Research Proposal to: World Bank Office,Brazil (Brasília) and UK Department for International Development (DfID/Brasília). 17 January 2007. Download publication

“Small Firms, the Informal Sector, and the Devil’s Deal.” IDS Bulletin [Institute of Development Studies at Sussex] 33 (No. 3, July, 2002). Download publication

Transforming Local Economies: Lessons from the Northeast Brazilian Experience. Based on fieldwork in Brazil for the MIT/BNB (Banco do Nodeste-Northeast Development Bank) Project. 12 December 2002. Download publication

The Fear of Education. Background paper for the World Bank 2003 Report on Inequality and the State in Latin America. Presented at the 50th Anniversary Meetings of the Banco do Nordeste, Fortaleza, 19 July 2002. Download publication

“Why are Social Funds so Popular?” In: Local Dynamics in the Era of Globalization, edited by Shahid Yusuf, Weiping Wu, and Simon Everett, Companion Volume of the World Development Report 1999/2000. Oxford: Oxford niversity Press for the World Bank, 2000. Download publication

“Safety Nets and Service Delivery: What Are Social Funds Really Telling Us?” In: Social Development in Latin America: The Politics of Reform, edited by Joseph S. Tulchin and Allison M. Garland (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000) Download publication

The Economic Wars Between the States. Working Paper Series, MIT/BNB project (Banco do Nordeste-Northeast Brazilian Development Bank). 2000. Download publication

“Undoing the poverty agenda and putting it back together: social policy, economic development, or what?” Forthcoming, 2011. (First version written June 2006; an earlier version was published by UNRISD and Palgrave/Macmillan Press as chapter 7, In: Social Policy in a Development Context, edited by Thandika Mkandawire and previously presented in an UNRISD meeting in Stockholm, September 2000. Download publication

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“The Rise of Social Funds:What Are they a Model of?” with Rodrigo Serrano. 1999. Download publication

“Thoughts for a research agenda for the meeting on public-private partnerships.” Paper prepared for seminar at University of Michigan. 25 June 1999. Download publication

“Research questions for The Ford-Foundation’s Innovations in Government Programs: Documentation, Evaluation, and Dissemination.” 14 April 1998. Download publication

“Comments on Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa.” Based on fieldwork in South Africa for PREM Public Sector Group, The World Bank. 8 March 1998 Download publication

“Comments on your Concept Paper regarding the Ceará state government’s Economic Memorandum.” Memo to Joachim von Amsberg, for the WorldBank, LCC5F. 8 June 1998. Download publication

Good Government in the Tropics. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. [Paperback version, November 1998; Portuguese version published by Editora Revan and ENAP (Escola Nacional de Administracao Publica) (Rio de Janeiro) August 1998]. Download publication

“Ceará vs. Kerala (with Latin America vs. East Asia in Mind): The Devil is in the Disaggregation.” In: Rethinking Development in East Asia and Latin America, edited by James W. McGuire. Los Angeles: Pacific Council on International Policy and the Center for International Studies of the University of Southern California, 1997. Download publication

“The Peace And Social Justice Program: Goals, Expected Outcomes and Results.” Report for the Ford Foundation headquarters office. 4 August 1997. Download publication

“Small Firms and Their Helpers: Lessons on Demand.” World Development 24 (No. 3):407-426. 1996. Download publication

Social Capital and the Public Sector: The Blurred Boundaries Between Private and Public. 11 April 1995. Download publication

“Trust in a Rent-seeking World: Health and Government Transformed in Northeast Brazil.” Co-authored with Sara Freedheim, World Development 22, No. 12 (December 1994, lead article), pp. 1771-1791. [An earlier version published as “Bringing Hirschman Back In: A Case of Bad Government Turned Good.” Co-authored with Sara Freedheim, Chapter 9 in: Rethinking the Development Experience: Essays Provoked by the Work of Albert Hirschman, pp. 176-209; edited by Lloyd Rodwin and Don Schon. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution. 1994. Download publication

“Impressions on the Proposed South African Agrarian Reform.” Based on fieldwork for the Land and Agricultural Policy Center of the South African Government.14 July 1994. Support for Small Enterprises in South Africa: Impressions from interviews with firms, their corporate customers, and their service providers. Based on fieldwork for the Department of Trade and Industry of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in South Africa. 28 December 1994 Download publication

Support for Small Enterprises in South Africa: Impressions from interviews with firms, their corporate customers, and their service providers. Based on fieldwork for the Department of Trade and Industry of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in South Africa. 28 December 1994. Download publication

“Bringing Hirschman Back In: A Case of Bad Government Turned Good.” Co-authored with Sara Freedheim, Chapter 9 (pp. 276-209) In: Rethinking the Development Experience: Essays Provoked by the Work of Albert Hirschman, edited by Lloyd Rodwin and Don Schon. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1994. Download publication

New Lessons from Old Projects: The Workings of Rural Development in Northeast Brazil. A World Bank Operations Evaluation Study. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 1993. Download publication

“Tales of Dissemination in Small-farm Agriculture: Lessons for Institution Builders.” World Development 21, No. 10 (October 1993, lead article), pp. 1567-1582. [An earlier version published as “Tales of Dissemination in Agriculture.” In: Agriculture, Environment, and Health: Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, edited by Vernon W. Ruttan. University of Minnesota Press, 1994.] Download publication

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“What Ever Happened to Poverty Alleviation?” World Development 17, No. 7 (1989). An earlier version published as “Whatever happened to poverty alleviation?” In: Microenterprises in Developing Countries, edited by Jacob Levitsky. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1989, pp, 25-56. Based on report on fieldwork done for The Ford Foundation. Download publication

“What to Think About Cooperatives: A Guide from Bolivia.” In: Direct to Poor: Grassroots Development in Latin America, edited by Sheldon Annis and Peter Hakim. Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1988. Based on: What to Think about Cooperatives: A Guide from Bolivia, Report on fieldwork to the Inter-American Foundation, Washington D.C. August 1983. Download publication

What Ever Happened to Poverty Alleviation? A Report Prepared for the Mid-decade Review of the Ford Foundation’s Programs on Livelihood, Employment and Income Generation, March 1987. Download publication

The Remarkable Convergence of Fashion on Small Enterprises and the Informal Sector: What are the Implications for Policy?” Unpublished manuscript, 1987. Download publication

Captive Donors and Captivating Clients: A Nicaraguan Saga. Inter-American Foundation (Draft article accepted for publication by World Development). December 1984 “ Download publication

“The Well-tempered Capitalist: Profiles from Some Bolivian Coops.” Grassroots Development Volume 8, No. 2, 1984. Download publication

Review of and comment on a draft of the World Bank policy paper, “Effective Intervention in Rural Finance.” For the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of the World Bank. May 1984. Download publication

Ventures in the Informal Sector, and How They Worked Out in Brazil. AID Evaluation Special Study No. 12, March 1983. Download publication

What to Think about Cooperatives: A Guide from Bolivia. Inter-American Foundation, August 1983. Download publication

“Fitting the Foundation Style: Comments on Flora proposal to evaluate consumer stores in Colombia.” Memo to Ray Offenheiser et. al; for the Inter American Foundation, 1 February 1983. Download publication

“Comments on the draft Framework for the CARE Review of its Food Aid Programming.” For CARE, 9 May 1983. Download publication

“Impressions on Evaluation.” Report for the Inter-American Foundation, July 1983. Download publication

Rural Projects Through Urban Eyes: An Interpretation of the World Bank’s New-style Rural Development Projects. World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 532, 1982. Download publication

Turning Private Voluntary Organizations into Development Agencies: Questions for Evaluation. AID Program Evaluation Discussion Paper No. 12, April 1982. Download publication

Fitting the Foundation Style: The Case of Rural Credit. Report for the Inter-American Foundation headquarters office. October 1981.“ Download publication

“Rural Credit and The Foundation Style.” For The Inter-American Foundation, Washington, D.C. January 1981. Download publication

New Light on Rural Electrification: The Evidence from Bolivia. Project on Managing Decentralization, Institute of International Studies, University of California at Berkeley, Publication No. R80.5, September 1980. Download publication

“Shifting Agriculture, Land Grabbing, and Peasant Organization on Brazil’s Northeast Frontier: Colone’s Alto Turi Project and the Baixada Ocidental in the State of Maranhão.” Based on fieldwork for the Office of Development Programs of the Latin America Bureau of A.I.D. November, 1980. Download publication

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New Directions in Rural Roads. AID Program Evaluation Discussion Paper No. 2, March 1979. Download publication

Rural Electrification: Linkages and Justifications. AID Program Evaluation Discussion Paper No.3, April 1979. Download publication

Rural Works Programs in Bangladesh: Community, Technology, and Graft. Based on fieldwork in Bangladesh for the Transportation Department of the World Bank, June 1979. Download publication

“Honduras-First Livestock Development Project.” Project Performance Audit Report, Operations Evaluation Department. World Bank, Number 1920. 21 February 1978. Download publication

Piaui: Renters and Sharecroppers, December 1978. Download publication

“The Integrated Rural Development Project of the Paraguaçu River Basin in Bahia (PIDERP)- The Credit Component.” The Projects Department, Office of Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank. January 1978. Download publication

Rio Grande Do Norte Rural Development Project (RURALNORTE): Midterm Evaluation of Rural Credit. September 1978. “ Download publication

"What happens in an Agrarian Reform," in Judith Tendler, Inter-country Evaluation of Small Farmer Organizations. Program Evaluation Study of the Agency for International Development, Latin American Bureau, November 1976. Download publication

“Case Study of a World Bank Livestock Program- Honduras.” For the Operations Evaluation Department of the World Bank, 17 December, 1976. Download publication

Inter-Country Evaluation of Small Farmer Organizations: Honduras. For the Office of Development Programs of the Latin America Bureau of A.I.D. October,1976. Download publication

Inside Foreign Aid. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. Download publication

“The Trouble with Goals of Small Farmer Programs (and how to get out of it).” Small Farmer Credit Analytical Papers, U.S. Agency for International Development-A.I.D. Spring Review of Small Farmer Credit, pp. 113-139, June 1973. Download publication

“Comments on Evaluation of BID (Inter-American Development Bank-IADB)-Financed Rural Credit Programs in Six Countries.” For the Inter American Development Bank, Washington D.C. Center for Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley. September 1970. Download publication

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“Agricultural Sector Loan for Costa Rica.” Memo to Mr. Lawrence E. Harrison, Director, for USAID/Costa Rica, 21 July 1969. Download

“Notes on Program and Project Lending in Brazil.” Memo for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Mission. 1 June 1968. Download

“Proposed Highway Maintenance Evaluation.” Memo to Jerome Levinson, Latin America Department/Capital Development Office , U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington headquarters. February 1968. Download

“Northeast Highway Maintenance Evaluation.” Memo, USAID,16 September 1968. Download

“Memos regarding the Passo Real Hydroelectric Project.” For USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), Brazil Mission, Rio de Janeiro, 1967-1968. Download

Technology and Economic Development: The Case of Hydro vs. Thermal Power.” Political Science Quarterly, June 1965. Download

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